Herrscher der Zeit Fanseite - André Kull

Dieser Teil der Seite benötigt noch eine Übersetzung ins Englische. Ich suche immer Personen, die mir beim Übersetzen der Seite helfen, bzw. die Übersetzungen kontrollieren. Falls Du mich unterstützen möchtest, melde Dich einfach bei mir. Vielen Dank!!!

This part needs to be translated into English. I'm always looking for people helping me with the translation or check the existing translations. Please tell me if you want to help. Thank You!!!

Welcome to my Time Masters fansite

It was like a childhood dream... NO!

It IS a childhood dream.

Who doesn't know them? The blurry images from an old cartoon. Maybe one remembers a few characters or certain scenes that can't get out of ones head. Years go by.

In my case, these were those faceless angle-shape figures...

... and then I remembered the title: TIME MASTERS!

At last I could search for Time Masters in the Internet. After 5 years of sudoriferous search I've been successful. A nice person made a copy for me. Now, I've been watching it for more than 50 times and still enjoy it.

This site is dedicated to all people who helped me building it. Thanks for the support and the many tips, links, stories, music and pics. Thank you all!

I wish you a lot of fun on my site.

Don't miss the [Links]

And here you'll find my private homepage: [www.andrekull.de]
