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true (!!!) stories about the movie
story 1
Earlier, someone found my site and wrote me this mail - so this is not myself:
I like the movie that much (in those times 'heavy metal' was in the cinemas), that I agreed with mit girlfriend: If we had children somewhen, and it is a boy, we'll call it PIEL. It didn't work with this wife, but second attempt worked and on 1994-02-XX PIEL was born and we went to registry office and inscribed the name. F***. This name i not allowed (the rules are made 1957!!!). So it wasn't possible. Fantasy-based names are not allowed. I didn't agree (and lots of Fantasy-fans) and went to court. 6 months later (the child hab no name in this time) ende the debate and I won. since this day I can whenever PIEL asks me (it happened some times) 'dad, why's my name PIEL?', tell this story. We watch the movie and are lucky. (even me though the first 'vision' was 20 years ago).
And here is the homepage of 10-year-old (dated 2004) Piel: [www.piel-dietrich.de].
story 2
Another by-mail-received story:
Hello André, 2 days ago, I found your 'time masters' fan site, and I think me story will also appeal to you: I saw the movie as a child, but certainly missed the beginning. And because I didn't like sci-fi very much (primarily as as girl), I didn't attach value - I thought so. However I recorded everything on VHS, which was anime, so I recorded 'time masters' (2nd half), and never deleted it for any reason. I became older and lost interest in it (but still didn't delete it), the VHS recorder got broken and was replaced by another video system. Now all my videos were lost! While looking for the need of reacquiring some recordings, the tape was put on by my hands, that was about 20 years ago. For that period of time I searched for the movie and since the last 2 days I'm holding a Video-CD with the full version of the movie in my hands here at home. Meanwhile I am a Star Trek fann (YES, as a girl!!!) and this movie was my first 'escapade' (the only Sci-Fi movie but Star Trek, that I have here), that was worthwhile.
story 3
I received this story by mail, too:
Now I have to 'add' some lines about this movie:
1) 15 years ago (oops!) I swallowed everything from Moebius!!! I read 'heavy metal' and liked 'Die luftdichte Garage des Jerry Cornelius" very much and the "John Diffool"-series, etc... then they proclaimed the 'time masters' movie and Moebius worked with them. But obviously the movie never reached German cinemas. But German TV. And I got it on video. But my dad deleted the cassette and I didn't talk to him for 2 weeks.
2) some Months ago I found some old Moebius Comics because of a moving. While searching other Moebius-relicts on ebay I found your site...
3) last weekend I was at my ex' birthday party. (she was my girlfriend 15 years ago) and we talked about 'mangas' - independant from my ebay-found-your-site-experience, she began to talk about time masters and that she also like Frensh comics and that Moebius is the best. She would like to see the movie again. Yeah! Me too.
Geschichte 4
Per Mail erhalten:
In den 80ern als Kind im Fernsehen gesehen, geliebt. Und dann bliebs im Gedächtnis aber fast verschollen. Das war damals so weit weg vom mainstream, die Eindrücke blieben einfach. Dann kam der ct Artikel und fast 20 Jahre später war ich baff. Nur das eine Bild und so vieles kam zurück... Wie ich dann darauf kam... Recherche oder c't-Leser Antwort? ich glaub eigene Recherche und als ich ihn dann wieder besorgt und geguckt hab, das war einfach ein flashback in die Kindheit!!!
Genial war, dass ich ihn dann bei einer LAN-Party geschaut hab und da kommt einer vorbei in der Art "was ist das für ein oller Schinken" und der nächste daneben antwortete für mich "Hey, das ist ein Klassiker!". Und plötzlich merkt man wieviele Fans es gibt. Es gab noch einige Wortmeldungen... So mancher kannte noch den Klassiker!! Man guckt einen 20 Jahre alten Zeichentrickfilm und fast keiner wundert sich, die meisten auf der Party "verstanden" den Wert dieses Schatzes.